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- Download "What Is a Quorum FAQs"
- Download "When Should the Clerk Speak Up?"
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- Robert's Rules of Order Self-Paced Courses
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- Trip to Portugal March 2024
- What we offer
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- “America will be”
- “Ann, nobody wants your job”
- “Order of Business” says when you can make a motion
- “That’s a bold-faced lie”
- “The Intern” and my love story
- 3 lists every nonprofit secretary should keep
- 3 major pitfalls for nonprofit boards
- 4 bad habits to avoid at council meetings
- 50 Guidelines for Public Comment in Local Government
- A common misunderstanding about defeated motions
- Action Items List will improve board followup
- After amending bylaws, secretary must…
- After rescinding the motion, what next?
- Agenda in Robert’s Rules
- Amend bylaws or revise bylaws?
- Amendment in Robert’s Rules
- Ann’s podcast interview, “Running Amazing Council Meetings,” with Jim Hunt
- Approving minutes if you were absent
- Are summary minutes right for your nonprofit board?
- Are your meetings seven hours long?
- Avoiding action in Robert’s Rules
- Avoiding amygdala hijack
- Be a crouching tiger at meetings
- Be vigilant when fundamental principles are compromised in emergency situations
- Becoming a parliamentarian step-by-step
- Beware of negativity bias
- Boardroom and church – how much difference?
- Boards can’t meet on Slack or similar group messaging platforms
- Can a recording serve as our minutes?
- Can board member see previous minutes?
- Can committees take official votes? Is a “straw poll” allowed?
- Can councilmembers speak during public comment?
- Can director take back his vote?
- Can married couples serve together on a nonprofit board?
- Can member explain vote against consent agenda?
- Can the chair take the minutes?
- Can the mayor take part in discussion?
- Can we amend land acknowledgement motion to include national anthem and state song?
- Can we pull back an item that was postponed two months ahead?
- Can we vote on 10 ordinances at once?
- Can you kick a member out of a membership meeting?
- Chair brushes off my motions
- Chair called the vote wrong
- Changing course: Using Robert’s Rules to alter a prior action
- Cheat sheet for the chair
- CHEAT SHEET Language Tips for Meeting Management
- Choosing citizens by lottery: recipe for disaster?
- Citizen attacks fellow citizen, swears – what can be done?
- Citizen’s Guide to Effective Public Meetings
- Committees in Robert’s Rules
- Conflict of interest can be complicated
- Consent agenda: great tool for speedier meetings
- Control disorder in your chambers
- Councilmember badgers the staff
- Counting a vote wrong is dangerous
- Criticizing a board decision in public
- Danger Will Robinson! Public comment ahead!
- Dangers of consensus decision-making
- David Hamburg RIP “War is not like the weather”
- Dealing with difficult members
- Defusing the fear factor in meetings
- Detailed minutes put your board at risk
- Disruptive members derailing your Zoom meetings? Use these rules!
- Do I need an attorney to find out about state law for my organization?
- Do Robert’s Rules drive you crazy?
- Do we have to accept anonymous comments at our HOA meetings?
- Do we have to obey the mayor?
- Do you have a bully on board?
- Does a motion that was passed and then rescinded go in the minutes?
- Does Robert’s Rules support quorum busting?
- Don’t attack or criticize the staff in public
- Don’t drink on Zoom
- Don’t get chummy
- Don’t misuse Point of Personal Privilege
- Don’t put these 6 items in the minutes!
- Don’t recognize dilatory (time-wasting) motions
- Don’t say “so moved” or “same sign”
- Don’t take a two-thirds vote by voice
- Don’t try to count a voice vote
- Don’t get into back-and-forth exchanges during public comment
- Don’t include detailed public comment in meeting minutes
- Don’t vote to accept, adopt, approve or receive reports
- Duty of care is critical for nonprofit board directors
- Effective meeting management can be yours!
- Emotional intelligence for wise meetings
- Enforcement
- Essential Guidelines for Small Casual Groups
- Essential tips for effective online meetings
- Examples of action, summary, and detailed minutes in Robert’s Rules
- Executive committee cannot overturn board decision
- Executive session in nonprofit board meetings
- Expectations are planned resentments
- Extra rules to add to Robert’s Rules
- Failed motion can’t be made again – true or false?
- Failure
- Fill in the blank: an easy way to make hard choices
- Follow four fundamental guidelines for successful meetings
- Free Robert’s Rules motions chart
- Friendly amendment in Robert’s Rules of Order
- Getting your board to buy in to Robert’s Rules
- Governance geeks will love fabulous blog by Sarah Merkle
- Grab this brilliant free “quick-guide” poster today!
- Great planning commission resource now free
- Guidelines for Meeting Minutes in Local Government
- Henry Martyn Robert III, R.I.P.
- HOA victory – the power of one person
- Hopeless in Houston without a quorum
- Host shuts eligible directors out of meeting
- Hostages of her ranting
- How can I start running better meetings with Robert’s Rules?
- How can we approve November minutes with 3 new board members?
- How disagreeable are your meetings?
- How do I handle nominations for mayor? Do nominations need a second?
- How do you “call the question” in Robert’s Rules?
- How to be objective about subjective comments
- How to be the right kind of dictator
- How to call the vote at meetings
- How to stop rude behavior
- How well do you walk this meeting tightrope?
- I want it on the record!
- If motion not to allow lemonade stand fails, is lemonade stand allowed?
- If you abstain from a vote, what happens?
- Inappropriate remarks on local government councils
- Inappropriate remarks on nonprofit boards
- Insulting body language – what to do
- Interrupting is not allowed at meetings
- Is the Planning Commission a rubber stamp?
- Is your council puzzled by these 15 issues?
- Is your meeting aimed at efficiency or expression?
- Jim Slaughter’s new website – amazing resource for Robert’s Rules
- Keep the chair in line using appeal
- Less Is More: Action Minutes Save Time, Serve the Agency Best
- Let’s teach our kids Robert’s Rules!
- Limited budget? Spend $8.99 on BEST short introduction to Robert’s Rules
- Local government is a miracle
- Lost the vote? Don’t sabotage the council’s action
- Make better decisions using Exploratory Round Robin
- Making a motion is a power move
- Meeting minutes record what is DONE, not what is SAID
- Meeting or session: what’s the difference in Robert’s Rules?
- Message from a Black Parliamentarian
- Minor mistakes in Robert’s Rules don’t invalidate action
- Mischievous troublemaker vs. pedantic stickler
- Motion to censure in Kaysville, Utah
- Municipal clerks are the unsung heroes
- My board is too nice
- My favorite politicians
- Newly elected? 6 key questions for success
- Nine planning commission and citizen advisory pitfalls
- No after-the-fact comments in minutes
- No debate at all—legitimate, but unwise
- No second – should motion be recorded in minutes?
- Nonprofit boards should not vote to approve minutes
- One simple guideline can make meetings more productive
- Only one vote – does the motion pass?
- Our bylaws are old and conflict with Robert’s Rules
- Our worst selves
- Pain point: Whispering and sidebar conversations
- Parliamentarian schools City Council
- Parliamentary procedure for junior and high schools
- People don’t want to be wrong
- Point of Order and Appeal are heart of democracy
- Precedence of motions in Robert’s Rules of Order
- Problems with Rosenberg’s Rules of Order
- Processing financial reports correctly
- Processing motions in Robert’s Rules
- Publish your numbers when electing nonprofit officers
- Put away your cell phone on the dais
- Reconsider, Rescind, or Amend previous decision
- Recording votes in meeting minutes
- Remedies for abuse of authority by the chair in a meeting
- Removing the chair during a meeting
- Renewing defeated motion at future meeting – “renewal”
- Right of directors to share feelings outside board?
- Rights and Responsibilities of the Member
- Robert’s Rules as spiritual discipline
- Robert’s Rules succeed in high school classroom
- Robert’s isn’t the only game in town – consider AIPSC
- Roundtable Community Workshops
- Run better work meetings using Robert’s Rules
- Run, don’t walk, to buy Robert’s Rules of Order Fast Track
- Sample minutes from Robert’s Rules of Order
- Sanctioning rogue board members
- School board adopts modified Robert’s Rules – is this legit?
- School Board President Role and Responsibilities
- Should you adopt “The Modern Rules of Order” by Donald Tortorice?
- Should you have co-presidents for your nonprofit board?
- Significant Changes to Washington Nonprofit Corporation Law
- Single-tasking creates group magic
- Small board rules are different
- Starting a nonprofit? Here’s a helpful workbook
- Successful staff interaction in local government meetings
- Suspend the rules with extreme caution
- Table, Postpone, or Postpone Indefinitely
- The 12 stupidest meeting mistakes
- The board booted me out – but can they?
- The chair is not in charge of your meeting
- The First Amendment is not the last word
- The flickering lights men live by in the dark
- The importance of Special Rules and Standing Rules for healthy organizations
- The most useful and practical phrase a chair can say
- The Neuroscience of You and good decisions
- The Outlier Syndrome in Governing Bodies
- They threw him out of Parliament. You can sanction too.
- Tie vote fails
- Time limits create productive meetings
- Tips for government bodies meeting remotely
- Two motions at once?
- Unanimous consent will slash your meeting time
- Unanimous written consent in lieu of a meeting
- Unraveling the mysteries of “second the motion”
- Use Board Action Request form to make better decisions for your nonprofit
- Use Minutes Approval Committee instead of waiting months
- Using the Round Robin Method for efficient board meetings
- View Better Meetings Advance Social Justice free webinar
- Vote cast without a second – is this OK?
- Was this proper use of “Point of Information”?
- We need to be brutally honest as Election Day approaches
- What about our elections in this pandemic?
- What are rights of ordinary members at nonprofit board meetings?
- What are Robert’s Rules and why should we care about them?
- What are special rules of order in Robert’s Rules?
- What are the 11 duties of the chair?
- What can a president do without the board? Thoughts on leadership
- What does it look like if the chair is being a bully?
- What if a colleague says something outrageous and insulting?
- What if your nonprofit board isn’t following its bylaws?
- What is a quorum and why does it matter?
- What Is a Quorum FAQs
- What is a resolution in Robert’s Rules?
- What is the chain of command in your nonprofit organization?
- What justifies calling a Point of Order?
- What to include in meeting minutes?
- What’s the point of the discussion period?
- When and how can you change your vote?
- When and how do you pass the gavel?
- When asked to vote, director does nothing
- When can you bring up a new topic during a meeting?
- When can you withdraw a motion?
- When COVID-19 cancels your meeting
- When does chair discuss and vote?
- When does new president take office?
- When First Amendment Rights and Public Meetings Clash
- When homeowners are unhappy with their HOA board
- When is a quorum not enough?
- When public pressure is intense, what can you do?
- When should the clerk speak up?
- When should you interrupt a speaker?
- When the chair is a bully or out of line
- When too much “hands on” gets in the way of progress
- Where can I find Roberts Rules of Order online?
- Which Robert’s Rules should I buy?
- Who can make a motion?
- Who may correct meeting minutes?
- Who may raise a point of order at council meetings?
- Who’s responsible for the money?
- Why bylaws?
- Will a Vote of No Confidence remove the chair?
- You can’t shut down a meeting whenever you want
- You can’t vote by email
- You have to relax to lead
- You must call for the negative vote
- You’ve already adopted the 12th edition of Robert’s Rules of Order
- “Stand at ease” creates breathing space in meetings