Robert’s Rules of Order

What justifies calling a Point of Order?

By Ann Macfarlane / November 8, 2023 / Comments Off on What justifies calling a Point of Order?
A woman with long black hair, wearing a red top and jeans, is seated in a wheelchair and raising her right index finger in a point of order.

Guest post by Nicole Schenk The motion Point of Order is a request to the chair to enforce a parliamentary rule, which a member is claiming has just been broken, or is in the process of being broken. Calling a Point of Order is a basic right of every member. It is one way to…

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The importance of Special Rules and Standing Rules for healthy organizations

By Ann Macfarlane / June 9, 2023 /
Cover of the book "Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, 12th Edition," featuring authors Henry M. Robert III, Daniel H. Honemann, Thomas J. Balch, Daniel E. Seabold, and Shmuel Gerber; this essential guide includes crucial small board rules for effective meeting management.

Guest post by Ted Weisgal Brigadier General Henry Martyn Robert was a genius. After a disastrous 14-hour meeting in 1863, he reflected for 13 years and attended lots of meetings. From those experiences as well as research into British parliamentary law and rules of the U.S. House of Representatives, he created what has become the…

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Extra rules to add to Robert’s Rules

By Ann Macfarlane / February 3, 2023 / Comments Off on Extra rules to add to Robert’s Rules
Stack of newspapers with the headline "EXTRA!! EXTRA!!" on the top page. The newspaper, titled "News Today," delves into special rules of order in its latest issue.

Robert’s Rules of Order is a daunting subject for many folks who haven’t yet seen how much it improves meetings. We strive in Jurassic Parliament to distill key information that will help you run effective and fair meetings. Distillation is one thing, but ADDING RULES? When there are already hundreds of pages of rules in…

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“Order of Business” says when you can make a motion

By Ann Macfarlane / December 9, 2022 /
The words "ORDER" and "CHAOS" are written on a white background. "ORDER of BUSINESS" is circled in red with a red marker.

It is a fundamental principle of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, 12th edition (RONR) that main motions must be taken up at the proper time on the agenda. (A main motion proposes action by the body). This is necessary in order to preserve order, and the rights of members. To that end, RONR establishes…

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Changing course: Using Robert’s Rules to alter a prior action

By Ann Macfarlane / May 5, 2022 / Comments Off on Changing course: Using Robert’s Rules to alter a prior action
Two blue circular traffic signs, one pointing left and one pointing right, are mounted on a single pole with an additional sign below labeled "CHOICES," highlighting the power to alter your prior action.

It seems that a lot of confusion prevails within our local government bodies about the Motion to Reconsider and how to use it. This article describes when and how to reconsider a motion, and other ways of changing your mind as a body. It was first published on the MRSC blog. MRSC is a private…

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Why bylaws?

By Ann Macfarlane / March 15, 2022 /
A hand holds a white card with "WHY?" written in blue marker. A blue marker lies on a wooden surface next to a container of colorful pens, as if pondering the complexities in bylaws in Robert's Rules of Order.

Guest article by Ted Weisgal Are bylaws the be-all and end-all of organizational development? If you create good ones will a flourishing organization be the natural outcome? Probably not. Good bylaws are critically important, but you should also have: A mission that resonates with people, Orderly meetings, Members who are reliable, Agendas that justify people’s…

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Don’t vote to accept, adopt, approve or receive reports

By Ann Macfarlane / February 11, 2022 /
Close-up of a typewriter with a piece of paper showing the text "Financial Report" being typed, reminiscent of reports in Robert's Rules.

Updated November 20, 2022 Boards and councils often fail to process reports correctly. When an officer or a committee submits a written report, the board usually should NOT vote to accept, adopt, approve, or receive it. Instead, the report is noted as received for filing. No action is necessary. The minutes simply state: Last month’s…

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What is a resolution in Robert’s Rules?

By Ann Macfarlane / February 4, 2022 /
An aged parchment scroll with torn edges reads "Now, therefore, be it resolved..." in a formal script, signifying a solemn resolution. A quill pen is placed to the right of the scroll.

In Robert’s Rules of Order, a RESOLUTION is a special type of MOTION. My friend the late John Stackpole, a distinguished parliamentarian, described it this way: “A resolution is a motion in fancy dress.” A resolution is used for important or complex questions, or when greater formality is desired. A resolution should be put into…

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Meeting or session: what’s the difference in Robert’s Rules?

By Ann Macfarlane / December 17, 2021 / Comments Off on Meeting or session: what’s the difference in Robert’s Rules?
A whiteboard with the word "MEETING" written in large red letters and underlined, accompanied by a red and white marker placed in the holder below, sets the tone for an important session.

When a group of people gather together to conduct their organization’s business, they are in a meeting. The group of people is called an “assembly,” and the event by which they gather is called a “meeting.” Sometimes in order to conduct business the assembly meets in a series of meetings. This series of meetings is…

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Committees in Robert’s Rules

By Ann Macfarlane / August 13, 2021 /
Red spiral notebook with the word "Committee" on the cover, next to a blue and silver pen on a wooden surface, echoing the precision found in committees in Robert's Rules.

Do you want committees that run smooth and effective meetings? Download our paper, “Committees in Robert’s Rules,” to learn how they can. Committees in Robert’s Rules – Introduction A committee is a group of volunteers who have agreed to do a job defined by someone else. The key fact about a committee is that it…

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