ground rules for meetings

Effective meeting management can be yours!

By Ann Macfarlane / July 2, 2019 / Comments Off on Effective meeting management can be yours!
Sample discussion guidelines for nonprofit boards under Jurassic Parliament branding, detailing the chair's role in effective meeting management and emphasizing respectful discussion following Robert's Rules.

Everyone wants effective meeting management, but how do we get there? The secret is to get all the participants on the same page. We suggest that you download our Sample Discussion Guidelines and spend 30 minutes talking about them with your group. We offer Sample Discussion Guidelines for Nonprofit Boards and Sample Discussion Guidelines for…

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The Outlier Syndrome in Governing Bodies

By Ann Macfarlane / June 26, 2019 / Comments Off on The Outlier Syndrome in Governing Bodies
Silhouette of an outlier wolf howling on a cliff against a backdrop of a full moon and starry night sky.

Guest post by Tami A. Tanoue, CIRSA Executive Director Those who have been working with municipalities for an extended period have observed a phenomenon that occurs at the governing body level.  Let’s call this phenomenon the Outlier Syndrome.

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Danger Will Robinson! Public comment ahead!

By Ann Macfarlane / June 12, 2019 / Comments Off on Danger Will Robinson! Public comment ahead!
Title page of a document with the heading, “Danger Will Robinson: Advising City Councils on Enforcement of Council Rules of Decorum,” and a quote about the role of public comment in the city's governance.

This post offers our readers a brilliant paper by municipal attorney Brett Vinson on the dangers of public comment. Anyone involved in receiving comment from the public during meetings will find it interesting and valuable. Read about the Nazi salute in Santa Cruz, singing a Whitney Houston song to express love for a councilmember, and…

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Roundtable Community Workshops

By Ann Macfarlane / June 5, 2019 / Comments Off on Roundtable Community Workshops
A diverse group of five people sit around a table with documents and a laptop, engaged in a roundtable discussion in a well-lit room with large windows, reminiscent of community workshops.

Guest post by Bob Jean, ICMA/WMCA Senior Advisor Got a really hot issue and a divided community? Too often, if you hold a traditional public hearing to deal with it, you run the risk that each side will simply line up and use their three minutes to tell the Council how terrible they are no…

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By Ann Macfarlane / April 25, 2019 / Comments Off on Enforcement
A man with gray hair and glasses, wearing a white shirt and red polka dot tie, is smiling at the camera against a black background. With an air of calm authority, his demeanor suggests a seasoned expert in enforcement.

Guest post by Craig Freshley. We are big fans of Craig’s wisdom and are delighted to share this post with our readers. Visit Craig’s website for more superb tips on meetings and leadership. In principle, decisions without enforcement grow weak and eventually wither. When rules or policies are not enforced it causes confusion, resentment, and…

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Dangers of consensus decision-making

By Ann Macfarlane / April 9, 2019 /
A winding road with a deep, jagged crack branching outward in multiple directions, as if nature itself couldn't reach a consensus on which path to follow.

At a recent nonprofit board conference, I asked participants how they discuss and decide their issues. The majority of the attendees at my session agreed that they use “informal consensus.” Download PDF What is informal consensus? Here is a description of informal consensus from Andy Robinson’s book, Great Boards for Small Groups: Someone presents an…

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School Board President Role and Responsibilities

By Ann Macfarlane / April 2, 2019 /
A group of men and women sit at a long table under a sign reading "Alpine School District." They are engaged in a discussion.

This list of school board president role and responsibilities was presented by former Board President John Burton and Superintendent Sam Jarman of the Alpine School District at a workshop organized by the Utah School Boards Association.

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Grab this brilliant free “quick-guide” poster today!

By Ann Macfarlane / March 18, 2019 /
A group of people sit around a conference table, attentively listening to a person at the podium giving a presentation, while a colorful poster hangs on the wall behind them.

The City of Olympia has given us permission to share this quick-guide poster, which you may adapt for your own meetings.

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Boards can’t meet on Slack or similar group messaging platforms

By Ann Macfarlane / March 14, 2019 / Comments Off on Boards can’t meet on Slack or similar group messaging platforms
A word cloud with terms related to social media, such as "social," "media," "group messaging platforms," "content," "network," and "blogging" in various font sizes and colors.

Update on June 4, 2020  –   Things have changed this spring because of the COVID-19 crisis. Some states have amended their laws or issued emergency orders changing their rules on remote meetings and email voting. This guidance may no longer apply. Check with your attorney before deciding what to do. It is fine for board…

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Unraveling the mysteries of “second the motion”

By Ann Macfarlane / March 6, 2019 /
The word "SECOND!" is displayed in green, stylized font at an upward angle on a white background, as if to second the motion with enthusiasm.

Updated November 19, 2022 Second the motion—everybody knows how to do that, right? Well, in fact there are some funny ideas floating around about this ordinary act of meeting procedure. Let’s unravel the mysteries. Second the motion—why? Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, 12th edition, says that a person seconds a motion in order to…

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