Ann Macfarlane

The board booted me out – but can they?

By Ann Macfarlane / July 10, 2018 / Comments Off on The board booted me out – but can they?
An umpire wearing protective gear, including a face mask and chest guard, gives a thumbs-up gesture. He stands against a plain white background, as if signaling the confidence required for removing a director.

A reader writes that he was voted off the board of directors of his neighborhood association. On investigation, it turned out that the board didn’t have the right to remove him. The director was reinstated. What are the rules about removing a director of a nonprofit organization? In order to answer this question, you have…

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Tie vote fails

By Ann Macfarlane / June 26, 2018 / Comments Off on Tie vote fails
A person in a suit marks a checkbox labeled "Fail" with a red check, next to another empty checkbox labeled "Pass," suggesting the outcome could hinge on a tie vote.

Updated July 22, 2021 What happens when a vote is tied? Here are a few angles to this question. A reader writes: I am the Vice-Chair of a small board—three people, Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary. We have dual roles. One voted yes. One voted no. One abstained. Does the motion pass or is the motion…

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Don’t say “so moved” or “same sign”

By Ann Macfarlane / June 19, 2018 / Comments Off on Don’t say “so moved” or “same sign”
Image containing a gavel tilted to the right with the text "So Moved" prominently displayed in bold, white letters against a vibrant blue background.

It’s common for people to say “so moved” when they agree with something a speaker says. Often this is a kind of enthusiastic endorsement. BUT…What exactly was moved? If the remarks or proposal were vague, it is not clear what was intended. We recommend that people NOT use this phrase. However, if someone does say, “So moved,” the chair…

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You can’t shut down a meeting whenever you want

By Ann Macfarlane / June 11, 2018 /
gavel descending in stages

“Can City Council President Ben Stuckart really shut down a meeting whenever he wants?” runs the catchy headline. The answer, of course, is NO!

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Don’t take a two-thirds vote by voice

By Ann Macfarlane / June 5, 2018 / Comments Off on Don’t take a two-thirds vote by voice
A white fraction "2/3" is centered on a green background, symbolizing the weight of a two-thirds vote.

When you have to take a two-thirds vote, take it by a show of hands. Don’t use voice, as in this video from Amherst, Massachusetts!

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The 12 stupidest meeting mistakes

By Ann Macfarlane / May 31, 2018 /
Hand writing the word "Oops!" in black marker with a red underline, capturing that inevitable moment of meeting mistakes.

In the 20 years since Jurassic Parliament began, we’ve seen a lot of dumb things happen at meetings. Here’s our dirty dozen—a list of the 12 stupidest meeting mistakes. If you have more to add, let us know! Failing to give notice Poor agenda Ignoring the quorum requirement Chair acting like a dictator A few…

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Municipal clerks are the unsung heroes

By Ann Macfarlane / May 15, 2018 /
A stone statue of a person with short hair and glasses, sitting on a bench and pointing at an open book resting on their lap. The background features a walkway, grass, and some trees, reminiscent of the calm dedication municipal clerks bring to their essential work.

May is the month when we celebrate municipal clerks, and Jurassic Parliament is delighted to join in offering kudos to these unsung heroes of our society. When you look under the hood of local government, you find clerks everywhere. They are the dedicated, quiet, consistent, reliable, and hard-working “go to” people who keep our country…

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Guidelines for Meeting Minutes in Local Government

By Ann Macfarlane / May 2, 2018 / Comments Off on Guidelines for Meeting Minutes in Local Government
A document titled "Meeting Minutes" lies on a table with a pair of glasses and a fountain pen placed on top, hinting at important local government discussions.

Meeting minutes recording the actions taken by your council or board are a fundamental part of the meeting process. These are our guidelines for meeting minutes in local government. They refer to ordinary business and work or study meetings of councils, boards and committees. Public hearings are governed by different rules. Download PDF WHAT KIND…

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When should you interrupt a speaker?

By Ann Macfarlane / April 26, 2018 / Comments Off on When should you interrupt a speaker?
A wooden gavel rests atop its matching sound block, symbolizing law and justice, swiftly silencing any inappropriate remarks in the courtroom.

We see so many instances of rude behavior in public life today that it is not easy to keep our bearings about civility. Polite people who have been well brought up sometimes feel stymied when public discourse disintegrates. 

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Unanimous consent will slash your meeting time

By Ann Macfarlane / April 17, 2018 / Comments Off on Unanimous consent will slash your meeting time
A chalkboard with the word "AGREEMENT" in the center, encircled and surrounded by multiple arrows pointing towards it, symbolizing unanimous consent.

Unanimous consent is one of the most useful tools in Robert’s Rules of order. Yet this method of voting is little known. Use it well, and your meetings will be much more efficient. Your members will also be grateful!

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