precedence of motions

Two motions at once?

By Ann Macfarlane / June 2, 2022 /
A group of businessmen in a meeting room, with one person replaced by a dinosaur. Caption reads: "If anyone can get us out of our rut, it’s Ole Dinosaur here. Any questions about Robert's Rules?" Chart showing declining profits in background.

Dear Dinosaur: At a recent board meeting, a motion was made and seconded and there was discussion. During discussion, another motion was made and seconded to delay consideration of the original motion until the next board meeting (we have monthly meetings). A challenge to this second motion was made stating that the original motion was…

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Free Robert’s Rules motions chart

By Ann Macfarlane / January 5, 2021 / Comments Off on Free Robert’s Rules motions chart
A detailed robert's rules motions chart outlining privileged, subsidiary, and main motions with columns for rank, seconding requirements, debatable status, amendability, and necessary votes.

Are you puzzled by the system of motions in Robert’s Rules? It’s a very specific aspect of parliamentary procedure that can seem mystifying and muddling. Yet once you get a handle on it, it’s not so bad! Here is a free chart for download that shows the relationships of key motions in Robert’s Rules of…

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Avoiding action in Robert’s Rules

By Ann Macfarlane / November 26, 2019 / Comments Off on Avoiding action in Robert’s Rules
A road, lined with trees and extending into the distance, is blocked by a white and red barricade with a no entry sign and two yellow warning lights, signaling the need for avoiding action.

Guest post by Colette Collier Trohan on how NOT to do things by avoiding action in Robert’s Rules. Many thanks Colette for this useful summary! Have you ever been in a meeting and had the sinking feeling there was no good path forward? If the motion was adopted, perhaps it would inadvertently send the wrong…

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