Powerful Meetings

When should you interrupt a speaker?

By Ann Macfarlane / April 26, 2018 / Comments Off on When should you interrupt a speaker?
A wooden gavel rests atop its matching sound block, symbolizing law and justice, swiftly silencing any inappropriate remarks in the courtroom.

We see so many instances of rude behavior in public life today that it is not easy to keep our bearings about civility. Polite people who have been well brought up sometimes feel stymied when public discourse disintegrates. 

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Unanimous consent will slash your meeting time

By Ann Macfarlane / April 17, 2018 / Comments Off on Unanimous consent will slash your meeting time
A chalkboard with the word "AGREEMENT" in the center, encircled and surrounded by multiple arrows pointing towards it, symbolizing unanimous consent.

Unanimous consent is one of the most useful tools in Robert’s Rules of order. Yet this method of voting is little known. Use it well, and your meetings will be much more efficient. Your members will also be grateful!

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CHEAT SHEET Language Tips for Meeting Management

By Ann Macfarlane / February 26, 2018 / Comments Off on CHEAT SHEET Language Tips for Meeting Management
A handheld silver and black microphone is mounted on a black microphone stand against a white background, ready to provide language tips.

Do you feel flummoxed by the language of Robert’s Rules? Is it a challenge for you to keep things running smoothly at your meetings? We have just what you need!

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Be a crouching tiger at meetings

By Ann Macfarlane / July 13, 2017 /
A Bengal tiger reclines on a rock, its intense yellow eyes gazing forward. The distinct black stripes on its orange coat contrast with traces of white fur around its face, reminiscent of a crouching tiger ready to spring.

As I watch meetings roll along, the good, the bad and the ugly, I often wish that chairs would observe the habits of the crouching tiger. This Sumatran beauty is lying on the rock, perfectly calm, alert and at ease – but ready to pounce at a moment’s notice. If you are chairing a meeting,…

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How well do you walk this meeting tightrope?

By Ann Macfarlane / March 8, 2017 /
Illustration of a person falling from a tightrope into water filled with shark fins.

Chairing a meeting requires two skills that are not easy to combine. The presider has to control the meeting, which requires strength. At the same time, he has to remain emotionally connected to the members, which requires warmth. Put too much strength into your voice, and you come across as cold and uncaring. Put too…

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Do we have to obey the mayor?

By Ann Macfarlane / October 21, 2016 / Comments Off on Do we have to obey the mayor?
obey the mayor

After a few years in this business, it seems to me that questions of authority are some of the hardest to resolve. Over and over I find city councils, boards of directors, and other governing boards struggling with the question, “Who’s in charge here, anyway?” If a group understands certain fundamental principles, it becomes much…

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Pain point: Whispering and sidebar conversations

By Ann Macfarlane / October 4, 2016 /
A man in a business suit leans in for a sidebar conversation, whispering into the ear of a smiling woman also dressed in professional attire.

This week a reader called me for advice about whispering and sidebar conversations. He is an officer in a small club dedicated to German shepherd dogs. At the last meeting, when a member was giving a report on research she had done, there were two separate sidebar conversations going on. I was happy to tell…

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When the chair is a bully or out of line

By Ann Macfarlane / June 28, 2016 / Comments Off on When the chair is a bully or out of line
Close-up of a dictionary page showing the word "Bullying" in bold, followed by its definition, highlighting how sometimes even an authority figure like a chair is a bully.

What can you do when the chair is a bully, or out of line? Unfortunately, sometimes the chair lets their position go to their head. We outlined some basic principles about bullying in this post, “Do you have a bully on board?” If you are burdened with a chair who bullies or intimidates others, we suggest…

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Keep the chair in line using appeal

By Ann Macfarlane / February 22, 2016 /
appeal stamp

Updated July 22, 2021 The “motion to appeal” is one of the least-known motions in Robert’s Rules of Order, and the most powerful. All of us are very familiar with the role of the chair of the meeting. Under Robert’s Rules of Order, the chair has the duty of keeping things on track. The chair…

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Do you have a bully on board?

By Ann Macfarlane / February 15, 2016 /
antique carving of bully

Reader Lon Garrison from Alaska asks how to deal with a bully who intimidates other members of the school board, including the chair. There are several things a body can do to resolve this unfortunate situation. Points to consider: 1) Bullying is never allowed at board or council meetings. It’s just common sense that when…

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