city council

Ann’s podcast interview, “Running Amazing Council Meetings,” with Jim Hunt

By Ann Macfarlane / September 7, 2022 / Comments Off on Ann’s podcast interview, “Running Amazing Council Meetings,” with Jim Hunt
Flyer titled "Running Amazing Council Meetings" featuring a woman on the left and a man on the right with the text "Building Amazing Cities & Towns" at the top. Logo of Bearing Advisors at the bottom.

I had the pleasure this summer of a lively conversation with Jim Hunt, host of “Amazing Cities and Towns” podcast. Jim is a former mayor and councilmember in Clarksburg, West Virginia, and past president of the National League of Cities. He brought a candid eye,  wide experience, and sharp insights to our discussion. We talked…

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No debate at all—legitimate, but unwise

By Ann Macfarlane / July 6, 2020 / Comments Off on No debate at all—legitimate, but unwise
3D text displaying the word "NO" in bold, blue letters against a plain white background—there's no debate at all that its message is clear.

  A citizen rang me up in some concern about the way his city council had processed a big motion the night before. The land-use proposal was introduced and seconded, a member was recognized to debate, and that member immediately said, “I call the question.” Five of the seven members on the council voted in…

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Avoiding action in Robert’s Rules

By Ann Macfarlane / November 26, 2019 / Comments Off on Avoiding action in Robert’s Rules
A road, lined with trees and extending into the distance, is blocked by a white and red barricade with a no entry sign and two yellow warning lights, signaling the need for avoiding action.

Guest post by Colette Collier Trohan on how NOT to do things by avoiding action in Robert’s Rules. Many thanks Colette for this useful summary! Have you ever been in a meeting and had the sinking feeling there was no good path forward? If the motion was adopted, perhaps it would inadvertently send the wrong…

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Danger Will Robinson! Public comment ahead!

By Ann Macfarlane / June 12, 2019 / Comments Off on Danger Will Robinson! Public comment ahead!
Title page of a document with the heading, “Danger Will Robinson: Advising City Councils on Enforcement of Council Rules of Decorum,” and a quote about the role of public comment in the city's governance.

This post offers our readers a brilliant paper by municipal attorney Brett Vinson on the dangers of public comment. Anyone involved in receiving comment from the public during meetings will find it interesting and valuable. Read about the Nazi salute in Santa Cruz, singing a Whitney Houston song to express love for a councilmember, and…

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Roundtable Community Workshops

By Ann Macfarlane / June 5, 2019 / Comments Off on Roundtable Community Workshops
A diverse group of five people sit around a table with documents and a laptop, engaged in a roundtable discussion in a well-lit room with large windows, reminiscent of community workshops.

Guest post by Bob Jean, ICMA/WMCA Senior Advisor Got a really hot issue and a divided community? Too often, if you hold a traditional public hearing to deal with it, you run the risk that each side will simply line up and use their three minutes to tell the Council how terrible they are no…

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Successful staff interaction in local government meetings

By Ann Macfarlane / October 10, 2018 / Comments Off on Successful staff interaction in local government meetings
council meeting with staff

Staff interaction in local government meetings can be effective or disastrous.

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Do we have to obey the mayor?

By Ann Macfarlane / October 21, 2016 / Comments Off on Do we have to obey the mayor?
obey the mayor

After a few years in this business, it seems to me that questions of authority are some of the hardest to resolve. Over and over I find city councils, boards of directors, and other governing boards struggling with the question, “Who’s in charge here, anyway?” If a group understands certain fundamental principles, it becomes much…

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