Have you ever wished that you could just throw a member out of your nonprofit organization? Some people are so challenging that we wish we could! Here are some tips for dealing with difficult members. Download PDF Bylaws and policy regarding difficult members In an ideal world, everyone goes along with the rules. In reality…
Read MoreToday is our primary election in Washington State. Seattle Times writer Kate Riley has published an insightful column about “my favorite politicians.”
Read MoreUpdated November 19, 2022 What can you do when a chair (presiding officer, person running the meeting) refuses to follow Robert’s Rules, abuses their power, or acts in an arbitrary manner? The first step is to make a Point of Order bringing the error to the chair’s attention. If the chair rules against you, you…
Read MoreThe motion to Suspend the Rules is a trap for the unwary. Be careful in using this motion and avoid doing things that may get you into big trouble. David Baker, former Mayor of Kenmore, Washington, once said to me, “The rule is there for a reason. When you suspend the rule, you give up…
Read MoreIn general, people who serve on nonprofit boards or in local government are peaceful and compliant. But every once in a while, you get a rogue board member. What can be done? We believe that it’s important for boards to be prepared to sanction rogue members when necessary. Download PDF This is an unpleasant subject.…
Read MoreEveryone wants effective meeting management, but how do we get there? The secret is to get all the participants on the same page. We suggest that you download our Sample Discussion Guidelines and spend 30 minutes talking about them with your group. We offer Sample Discussion Guidelines for Nonprofit Boards and Sample Discussion Guidelines for…
Read MoreGuest post by Tami A. Tanoue, CIRSA Executive Director Those who have been working with municipalities for an extended period have observed a phenomenon that occurs at the governing body level. Let’s call this phenomenon the Outlier Syndrome.
Read MoreThis post offers our readers a brilliant paper by municipal attorney Brett Vinson on the dangers of public comment. Anyone involved in receiving comment from the public during meetings will find it interesting and valuable. Read about the Nazi salute in Santa Cruz, singing a Whitney Houston song to express love for a councilmember, and…
Read MoreGuest post by Bob Jean, ICMA/WMCA Senior Advisor Got a really hot issue and a divided community? Too often, if you hold a traditional public hearing to deal with it, you run the risk that each side will simply line up and use their three minutes to tell the Council how terrible they are no…
Read MoreThe simplest way to make board meetings more efficient is to use the Round Robin Method of discussion. In a round robin, each member of the body is given an opportunity to speak once before anyone may speak a second time, commonly by calling on the members around the table in turn. Sometimes, however, it’s…
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