
Processing motions in Robert’s Rules

By Ann Macfarlane / September 13, 2019 / Comments Off on Processing motions in Robert’s Rules
A hand is pointing to a blue, illuminated sign that reads "Process Management" against a dark blue background, highlighting the importance of processing motions.

There are eight steps to processing ordinary motions in Robert’s Rules. Download PDF At the right time in the agenda, after the member has been recognized by the chair, A member makes a motion. Another member seconds the motion. The chair states the motion. Members discuss and/or amend the motion. The chair restates the motion…

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Agenda in Robert’s Rules

By Ann Macfarlane / September 10, 2019 /
A blue clipboard with a checklist titled "AGENDA" meticulously lists four items: Item #1, Item #2, Item #3, and Item #4, each awaiting a checkmark.

Taking the time to construct a powerful agenda will make a big difference to your meetings. Avoid these agenda mistakes: An agenda that would take two days to get through, not two hours. An agenda that fails to assign suggested time limits for discussion. An agenda that is emailed at 6:00 am for a 7:00…

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Consent agenda: great tool for speedier meetings

By Ann Macfarlane / September 5, 2019 / Comments Off on Consent agenda: great tool for speedier meetings
A man in a suit and glasses is holding a sign that says "YES" while making an OK gesture with his other hand, signaling approval of the consent agenda.

Updated July 19, 2021 One of the most useful tools for efficient meetings is a “consent agenda.” This is a single item of business on a regular agenda that includes several items bundled together. The items cannot be discussed or debated. They are approved with a single vote. To learn about agendas in general, read…

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Don’t put these 6 items in the minutes!

By Ann Macfarlane / August 21, 2019 / Comments Off on Don’t put these 6 items in the minutes!
A red, octagonal stop sign with white lettering reads "STOP," a reminder that not in the minutes should you rush past it.

There are half a dozen things that DO NOT BELONG in your minutes. Here they are. 1.  Things that didn’t happen don’t belong in the minutes This may sound unlikely, but we have seen instances where after the meeting, the chair or a board member wants to put something in the minutes that didn’t actually…

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Dealing with difficult members

By Ann Macfarlane / August 13, 2019 / Comments Off on Dealing with difficult members
an exasperated person upset at difficult board chair or member

Have you ever wished that you could just throw a member out of your nonprofit organization? Some people are so challenging that we wish we could! Here are some tips for dealing with difficult members. Download PDF Bylaws and policy regarding difficult members In an ideal world, everyone goes along with the rules. In reality…

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My favorite politicians

By Ann Macfarlane / August 6, 2019 /

Today is our primary election in Washington State. Seattle Times writer Kate Riley has published an insightful column about “my favorite politicians.”

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Removing the chair during a meeting

By Ann Macfarlane / July 30, 2019 / Comments Off on Removing the chair during a meeting
Red text on white background saying "YOU'RE OUT!" in uppercase letters, similar to a stamp, as if removing a director.

Updated November 19, 2022 What can you do when a chair (presiding officer, person running the meeting) refuses to follow Robert’s Rules, abuses their power, or acts in an arbitrary manner? The first step is to make a Point of Order bringing the error to the chair’s attention. If the chair rules against you, you…

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Suspend the rules with extreme caution

By Ann Macfarlane / July 24, 2019 / Comments Off on Suspend the rules with extreme caution
A snowboarder wearing bright gear is captured in mid-air against a clear blue sky, with a snow-covered incline and the sun visible in the background, seemingly suspending the rules of gravity.

The motion to Suspend the Rules is a trap for the unwary. Be careful in using this motion and avoid doing things that may get you into big trouble. David Baker, former Mayor of Kenmore, Washington, once said to me, “The rule is there for a reason. When you suspend the rule, you give up…

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Sanctioning rogue board members

By Ann Macfarlane / July 19, 2019 /
A close-up of a gorilla with a stern expression, as if enforcing a sanction, against a blurred green background.

In general, people who serve on nonprofit boards or in local government are peaceful and compliant. But every once in a while, you get a rogue board member. What can be done? We believe that it’s important for boards to be prepared to sanction rogue members when necessary. Download PDF This is an unpleasant subject.…

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Effective meeting management can be yours!

By Ann Macfarlane / July 2, 2019 / Comments Off on Effective meeting management can be yours!
Sample discussion guidelines for nonprofit boards under Jurassic Parliament branding, detailing the chair's role in effective meeting management and emphasizing respectful discussion following Robert's Rules.

Everyone wants effective meeting management, but how do we get there? The secret is to get all the participants on the same page. We suggest that you download our Sample Discussion Guidelines and spend 30 minutes talking about them with your group. We offer Sample Discussion Guidelines for Nonprofit Boards and Sample Discussion Guidelines for…

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