control the meeting

Time limits create productive meetings

By Ann Macfarlane / February 27, 2019 / Comments Off on Time limits create productive meetings
A hand holds a stopwatch with an analog display, showing the seconds and minutes, emphasizing the importance of time limits.

The mayor of Alexandria, Virginia began council meetings by responding to each person giving public comment, sometimes delaying the start of regular business three hours or more.

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What are rights of ordinary members at nonprofit board meetings?

By Ann Macfarlane / January 23, 2019 /
A large, wooden conference table surrounded by black leather chairs in a modern meeting room, emphasizing the rights of ordinary members, with a phone and various office supplies placed on the table.

When you are considering the rights of ordinary members at nonprofit board meetings, first look to your state statutes. This is usually easy to do online. Start by reading the plain language text of the laws of the state in which your organization is incorporated. (For complex matters of interpretation, of course you will consult…

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Follow four fundamental guidelines for successful meetings

By Ann Macfarlane / January 3, 2019 / Comments Off on Follow four fundamental guidelines for successful meetings
Six people sit behind a large wooden desk with American and green flags in the background in a meeting room, discussing four fundamental guidelines.

Robert’s Rules of Order includes four fundamental guidelines that will create successful meetings. They are easy to say but take some effort to apply, since prevailing culture is often very different. Run your meetings according to these guidelines so your meetings—and your organization—will flourish. Download PDF I. The person running the meeting is the servant of…

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They threw him out of Parliament. You can sanction too.

By Ann Macfarlane / December 12, 2018 /
A golden scepter topped with a cross and intricate crown-like structure, featuring detailed engravings and ornate decorations along its length, symbolizing royal sanction.

High drama in the House of Commons as Member of Parliament expelled for the day.

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Don’t get chummy

By Ann Macfarlane / November 28, 2018 /
Black and white sketch of a chummy person wearing a bowler hat, a long coat, vest, and tie, with one arm extended outward.

City councilmembers and nonprofit board leaders should not get chummy—too familiar—with their constituents or regular members. Here’s why.

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Beware of negativity bias

By Ann Macfarlane / August 25, 2018 / Comments Off on Beware of negativity bias
A woman with long blonde hair sits in a black office chair, holding a pen and making a doubtful expression. She is wearing a black blazer and white shirt, her face subtly reflecting the negativity bias she's wrestling with.

Human beings have a sharp and useful instinct for the negative.

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The 12 stupidest meeting mistakes

By Ann Macfarlane / May 31, 2018 /
Hand writing the word "Oops!" in black marker with a red underline, capturing that inevitable moment of meeting mistakes.

In the 20 years since Jurassic Parliament began, we’ve seen a lot of dumb things happen at meetings. Here’s our dirty dozen—a list of the 12 stupidest meeting mistakes. If you have more to add, let us know! Failing to give notice Poor agenda Ignoring the quorum requirement Chair acting like a dictator A few…

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When should you interrupt a speaker?

By Ann Macfarlane / April 26, 2018 / Comments Off on When should you interrupt a speaker?
A wooden gavel rests atop its matching sound block, symbolizing law and justice, swiftly silencing any inappropriate remarks in the courtroom.

We see so many instances of rude behavior in public life today that it is not easy to keep our bearings about civility. Polite people who have been well brought up sometimes feel stymied when public discourse disintegrates. 

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CHEAT SHEET Language Tips for Meeting Management

By Ann Macfarlane / February 26, 2018 / Comments Off on CHEAT SHEET Language Tips for Meeting Management
A handheld silver and black microphone is mounted on a black microphone stand against a white background, ready to provide language tips.

Do you feel flummoxed by the language of Robert’s Rules? Is it a challenge for you to keep things running smoothly at your meetings? We have just what you need!

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Inappropriate remarks on nonprofit boards

By Ann Macfarlane / December 18, 2017 / Comments Off on Inappropriate remarks on nonprofit boards
Three people sit at a table during a meeting, with notepads and a can of soda in front of them. They appear to be listening attentively, ensuring no inappropriate remarks disrupt the focus.

If you serve as a director on a nonprofit board, you should know the types of remarks that are inappropriate during discussion at a meeting. Robert’s Rules of Order and the common parliamentary law it is based on require that: Directors on a board must be courteous to one another. They must speak to the…

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