
Dangers of consensus decision-making

By Ann Macfarlane / April 9, 2019 /
A winding road with a deep, jagged crack branching outward in multiple directions, as if nature itself couldn't reach a consensus on which path to follow.

At a recent nonprofit board conference, I asked participants how they discuss and decide their issues. The majority of the attendees at my session agreed that they use “informal consensus.” Download PDF What is informal consensus? Here is a description of informal consensus from Andy Robinson’s book, Great Boards for Small Groups: Someone presents an…

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What are Robert’s Rules and why should we care about them?

By Ann Macfarlane / April 14, 2015 / Comments Off on What are Robert’s Rules and why should we care about them?
photo of Robert impersonator

Updated November 19, 2022 Henry Martyn Robert, an officer in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, published the original Robert’s Rules of Order in 1876. He wanted to help people who were working together in voluntary groups to run good meetings. Over a century later we still have problems running good meetings. Robert’s Rules and…

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