Dear Dinosaur Advice Column
Got questions about Robert's Rules of Order? Ann Macfarlane is a dinosaur who knows her stuff. She explains the complexity of Robert's Rules so it makes sense. She loves hearing from readers with their questions about Robert's Rules of Order.
Vote cast without a second – is this OK?
© Can Stock Photo/andrewgenn
Dear Dinosaur: In our committee meeting, someone made a motion, and before a second could be made, discussion began. Upon completion of the discussion, the meeting chair said, “There is a motion and a second, all in favor?” The vote was cast without a second. Is this ok?
- If someone makes a motion and the group jumps right into discussion without a second, that is fine, since the purpose of a second is to make sure that at least two people want to discuss the matter.
- However, some bodies require that a second be recorded in the minutes. If that is the case, you should require a second in future. No need to do anything about this instance. Minor mistakes do not invalidate action (read our blog post here).
- Robert’s Rules of Order says that seconds are not required on small boards (up to about 12 people) or in committees. Most local governments do require seconds on boards, and Jurassic Parliament recommends that they do so. However, we think it’s fine not to require seconds on committees.
Learn more details about seconds here.
Dear Dinosaur provides simple, practical answers to questions about Robert’s Rules and parliamentary procedure. Send your questions to Dear Dinosaur here. Our answers are based on Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, 12th edition. As always, nothing in this post constitutes legal or business advice. For specific issues, seek a qualified authority.