Robert’s Rules of Order

Getting your board to buy in to Robert’s Rules

By Ann Macfarlane / January 31, 2019 /
A diagram with three steps: Step 1 in green says "Educate," Step 2 in blue says "Adopt and buy-in," and Step 3 in orange says "Enforce.

A reader writes, “The city council has never used much parliamentary procedure in our meetings. People speak when they want and sidebar discussions are common. How to ease the council into more parliamentary procedure without confusing them?” It’s a great question. Here are three steps you can take to get your council or board to…

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What are rights of ordinary members at nonprofit board meetings?

By Ann Macfarlane / January 23, 2019 /
A large, wooden conference table surrounded by black leather chairs in a modern meeting room, emphasizing the rights of ordinary members, with a phone and various office supplies placed on the table.

When you are considering the rights of ordinary members at nonprofit board meetings, first look to your state statutes. This is usually easy to do online. Start by reading the plain language text of the laws of the state in which your organization is incorporated. (For complex matters of interpretation, of course you will consult…

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Point of Order and Appeal are heart of democracy

By Ann Macfarlane / January 18, 2019 /
A red stop sign with two lights is attached to the side of a yellow vehicle, next to the text "NO," serving as a clear point of order for passing drivers.

In our view, the motions Point of Order and Appeal are the heart of our democracy. They provide the mechanism to stop a dictatorial chair who is acting like a “boss.” They are essential  for every local government body, nonprofit board, and any group that functions on democratic principles. Learn how to use them to ensure…

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Henry Martyn Robert III, R.I.P.

By Ann Macfarlane / January 10, 2019 /
Image of an elderly man, Henry Martyn Robert III, with birth and death dates: June 20, 1920 - January 6, 2019, on a blue background.

Announcement from the National Association of Parliamentarians We are deeply saddened to share that Henry M. Robert III, grandson of General Henry M. Robert, author of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised and honorary President of the National Association of Parliamentarians, peacefully passed away the morning of Sunday, January 6. Mr. Robert’s presence and guidance…

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Follow four fundamental guidelines for successful meetings

By Ann Macfarlane / January 3, 2019 / Comments Off on Follow four fundamental guidelines for successful meetings
Six people sit behind a large wooden desk with American and green flags in the background in a meeting room, discussing four fundamental guidelines.

Robert’s Rules of Order includes four fundamental guidelines that will create successful meetings. They are easy to say but take some effort to apply, since prevailing culture is often very different. Run your meetings according to these guidelines so your meetings—and your organization—will flourish. Download PDF I. The person running the meeting is the servant of…

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The chair is not in charge of your meeting

By Ann Macfarlane / December 27, 2018 / Comments Off on The chair is not in charge of your meeting
Diagram of a triangular hierarchy with "BOSS" at the top, indicating who's in charge. Arrows point from "BOSS" to three positions at the bottom corners, showing direct reporting lines.

It is a little-known fact that ultimately it is the board that is in charge of your meeting, not the chair. According to the principles of parliamentary procedure and Robert’s Rules of Order, the chair runs the meeting while subject to the will of the body as a whole. This is very different from the…

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Boardroom and church – how much difference?

By Ann Macfarlane / December 20, 2018 / Comments Off on Boardroom and church – how much difference?
Photo of David Rumsey

David Rumsey, past president of the American Translators Association, offers thoughts for the holiday season in this guest post. 

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They threw him out of Parliament. You can sanction too.

By Ann Macfarlane / December 12, 2018 /
A golden scepter topped with a cross and intricate crown-like structure, featuring detailed engravings and ornate decorations along its length, symbolizing royal sanction.

High drama in the House of Commons as Member of Parliament expelled for the day.

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Make better decisions using Exploratory Round Robin

By Ann Macfarlane / November 23, 2018 / Comments Off on Make better decisions using Exploratory Round Robin
Three individuals sit at a conference table taking notes during a meeting. A can of soda and a snack bag are on the table, while one person looks visibly uncomfortable after inappropriate remarks were made.

You can make better decisions about complicated proposals by using the Exploratory Round Robin.

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You must call for the negative vote

By Ann Macfarlane / October 23, 2018 / Comments Off on You must call for the negative vote
A hand with a dark sleeve is giving a negative vote gesture, thumbs-down, against a white background.

Updated November 18, 2022 One of the surprising rules about voting is that when taking the vote, the chair MUST call for the negative vote—even if the chair is perfectly certain that there were enough votes in favor to pass the motion. This ensures that everyone enjoys their full right to vote, even if they…

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