emotional intelligence

Boardroom and church – how much difference?

By Ann Macfarlane / December 20, 2018 / Comments Off on Boardroom and church – how much difference?
Photo of David Rumsey

David Rumsey, past president of the American Translators Association, offers thoughts for the holiday season in this guest post. 

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Expectations are planned resentments

By Ann Macfarlane / November 16, 2018 / Comments Off on Expectations are planned resentments
A group of people sits around a round table in a conference room, engaged in discussion. A man speaks, outlining expectations while facing the others, and a projector screen is visible in the background.

Guest post by Craig Freshley. We have been big fans of Craig’s wisdom for years and are honored to share this guest post with our readers. Visit Craig’s website for more superb tips on meetings and leadership.

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Beware of negativity bias

By Ann Macfarlane / August 25, 2018 / Comments Off on Beware of negativity bias
A woman with long blonde hair sits in a black office chair, holding a pen and making a doubtful expression. She is wearing a black blazer and white shirt, her face subtly reflecting the negativity bias she's wrestling with.

Human beings have a sharp and useful instinct for the negative.

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CHEAT SHEET Language Tips for Meeting Management

By Ann Macfarlane / February 26, 2018 / Comments Off on CHEAT SHEET Language Tips for Meeting Management
A handheld silver and black microphone is mounted on a black microphone stand against a white background, ready to provide language tips.

Do you feel flummoxed by the language of Robert’s Rules? Is it a challenge for you to keep things running smoothly at your meetings? We have just what you need!

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Be a crouching tiger at meetings

By Ann Macfarlane / July 13, 2017 /
A Bengal tiger reclines on a rock, its intense yellow eyes gazing forward. The distinct black stripes on its orange coat contrast with traces of white fur around its face, reminiscent of a crouching tiger ready to spring.

As I watch meetings roll along, the good, the bad and the ugly, I often wish that chairs would observe the habits of the crouching tiger. This Sumatran beauty is lying on the rock, perfectly calm, alert and at ease – but ready to pounce at a moment’s notice. If you are chairing a meeting,…

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How well do you walk this meeting tightrope?

By Ann Macfarlane / March 8, 2017 /
Illustration of a person falling from a tightrope into water filled with shark fins.

Chairing a meeting requires two skills that are not easy to combine. The presider has to control the meeting, which requires strength. At the same time, he has to remain emotionally connected to the members, which requires warmth. Put too much strength into your voice, and you come across as cold and uncaring. Put too…

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Emotional intelligence for wise meetings

By Ann Macfarlane / June 29, 2016 /
emotional intelligence on whiteboard

Using emotional intelligence will allow any leader to run better meetings. A successful leader has to be aware of his own emotions and those of others, and has to be able to deal with emotion constructively. Unfortunately many of us are prone to react impulsively in tough situations, unless we have done the hard work…

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Avoiding amygdala hijack

By Ann Macfarlane / September 3, 2015 / Comments Off on Avoiding amygdala hijack
drawing of amygdala

My nephew was visiting us last weekend when he was hijacked. One moment, he was an affable, engaged and charming member of the family — the next, a seething mass of rage and anguish. I reacted with compassion. I knew that he doesn’t yet have the skills to prevent his amygdala from taking over. But…

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Defusing the fear factor in meetings

By Ann Macfarlane / April 17, 2015 / Comments Off on Defusing the fear factor in meetings
Close-up of a blue eye with a visible iris and pupil, surrounded by light eyelashes and skin.

The role of emotion in the business world is slowly being acknowledged in our culture, but it is still a challenge to address feelings and emotions appropriately in meetings. We need to take them into account without getting overly personal, intrusive, or condescending. A leader who understands how emotions affect people’s mental processes will be…

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You have to relax to lead

By Ann Macfarlane / April 17, 2015 / Comments Off on You have to relax to lead
A person in a blue shirt conducting an orchestra with a baton in hand. Another individual is partially visible in the background.

This is Sibelius month in Seattle, and the Seattle symphony is performing all his major pieces. At last week’s performance of Symphony No. 2, I was mesmerized by the conductor. Thomas Dausgaard and the orchestra appeared to breathe as a single organism. I have never seen any large group act in such complete harmony. It…

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