changing your mind

Changing course: Using Robert’s Rules to alter a prior action

By Ann Macfarlane / May 5, 2022 / Comments Off on Changing course: Using Robert’s Rules to alter a prior action
Two blue circular traffic signs, one pointing left and one pointing right, are mounted on a single pole with an additional sign below labeled "CHOICES," highlighting the power to alter your prior action.

It seems that a lot of confusion prevails within our local government bodies about the Motion to Reconsider and how to use it. This article describes when and how to reconsider a motion, and other ways of changing your mind as a body. It was first published on the MRSC blog. MRSC is a private…

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Reconsider, Rescind, or Amend previous decision

By Ann Macfarlane / March 11, 2020 / Comments Off on Reconsider, Rescind, or Amend previous decision
A spiral notebook with "Let's Rethink" written in black and red text, placed on a wooden surface. A red marker, a capped red pen, and a pencil are beside the notebook, inviting you to reconsider your ideas.

Updated October 3, 2023 Some years ago, I had a dramatic exposure to the motion “to Reconsider.” At a 2-day meeting of our professional society board, one member (I’ll call him “Alex”) proposed that our society spend $4000 on radio spots in Washington, DC. He felt that we needed to develop a public relations strategy,…

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When can you withdraw a motion?

By Ann Macfarlane / March 11, 2016 /
cartoon illustrating withdraw a motion

Have you ever been at a meeting where the person who made a motion becomes unhappy about the direction of the discussion, and says, “OK, I withdraw my motion”?

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