
Changing course: Using Robert’s Rules to alter a prior action

By Ann Macfarlane / May 5, 2022 / Comments Off on Changing course: Using Robert’s Rules to alter a prior action
Two blue circular traffic signs, one pointing left and one pointing right, are mounted on a single pole with an additional sign below labeled "CHOICES," highlighting the power to alter your prior action.

It seems that a lot of confusion prevails within our local government bodies about the Motion to Reconsider and how to use it. This article describes when and how to reconsider a motion, and other ways of changing your mind as a body. It was first published on the MRSC blog. MRSC is a private…

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Renewing defeated motion at future meeting – “renewal”

By Ann Macfarlane / December 20, 2019 / Comments Off on Renewing defeated motion at future meeting – “renewal”
A street sign reads "SECOND CHANCE" with an arrow pointing to the right, set against a blue sky background, symbolizing renewing motion and possibilities.

Updated July 11, 2023 Robert’s Rules of Order is quite strict about dealing with something once in a meeting and moving on. If a motion has been defeated, the only way to bring the same motion up again during that meeting is to move to reconsider the motion. You have to have voted with the…

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