nonprofit boards

What justifies calling a Point of Order?

By Ann Macfarlane / November 8, 2023 / Comments Off on What justifies calling a Point of Order?
A woman with long black hair, wearing a red top and jeans, is seated in a wheelchair and raising her right index finger in a point of order.

Guest post by Nicole Schenk The motion Point of Order is a request to the chair to enforce a parliamentary rule, which a member is claiming has just been broken, or is in the process of being broken. Calling a Point of Order is a basic right of every member. It is one way to…

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Should you have co-presidents for your nonprofit board?

By Ann Macfarlane / October 30, 2020 / Comments Off on Should you have co-presidents for your nonprofit board?
Illustration of a man and woman in business attire, both wearing navy blue suits. The co-presidents exude confidence; the man has a beard and glasses, holding a briefcase, while the woman smiles warmly with her hands relaxed at her sides.

Nonprofit organizations, like many voluntary groups in our country, struggle to locate and recruit adequate leadership. People are living such busy lives, with the demands of work, family, and personal well-being, that they find it a challenge to take on a leadership role. When there is a dearth of candidates to lead an organization—and often…

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Do Robert’s Rules drive you crazy?

By Ann Macfarlane / October 10, 2019 / Comments Off on Do Robert’s Rules drive you crazy?
An elderly woman wearing a pink visor and glasses is sitting inside a boat on dry land, next to a fence and trees, calmly reminiscent of Robert's Rules. The boat boasts the registration number CF 0124 SX and features a red Lake County sticker.

When I posted this question, Betsy Cawn of Lake County, California wrote a short and pungent response. Much appreciated, Betsy! Thanks to you, Ann, Robert’s Rules DO NOT drive me crazy — but unlearned colleagues who refuse to even discuss the abbreviated set of “simple guidelines” you provide certainly DO. Somewhere between the extreme formality…

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Processing motions in Robert’s Rules

By Ann Macfarlane / September 13, 2019 / Comments Off on Processing motions in Robert’s Rules
A hand is pointing to a blue, illuminated sign that reads "Process Management" against a dark blue background, highlighting the importance of processing motions.

There are eight steps to processing ordinary motions in Robert’s Rules. Download PDF At the right time in the agenda, after the member has been recognized by the chair, A member makes a motion. Another member seconds the motion. The chair states the motion. Members discuss and/or amend the motion. The chair restates the motion…

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Agenda in Robert’s Rules

By Ann Macfarlane / September 10, 2019 /
A blue clipboard with a checklist titled "AGENDA" meticulously lists four items: Item #1, Item #2, Item #3, and Item #4, each awaiting a checkmark.

Taking the time to construct a powerful agenda will make a big difference to your meetings. Avoid these agenda mistakes: An agenda that would take two days to get through, not two hours. An agenda that fails to assign suggested time limits for discussion. An agenda that is emailed at 6:00 am for a 7:00…

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Consent agenda: great tool for speedier meetings

By Ann Macfarlane / September 5, 2019 / Comments Off on Consent agenda: great tool for speedier meetings
A man in a suit and glasses is holding a sign that says "YES" while making an OK gesture with his other hand, signaling approval of the consent agenda.

Updated July 19, 2021 One of the most useful tools for efficient meetings is a “consent agenda.” This is a single item of business on a regular agenda that includes several items bundled together. The items cannot be discussed or debated. They are approved with a single vote. To learn about agendas in general, read…

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Boards can’t meet on Slack or similar group messaging platforms

By Ann Macfarlane / March 14, 2019 / Comments Off on Boards can’t meet on Slack or similar group messaging platforms
A word cloud with terms related to social media, such as "social," "media," "group messaging platforms," "content," "network," and "blogging" in various font sizes and colors.

Update on June 4, 2020  –   Things have changed this spring because of the COVID-19 crisis. Some states have amended their laws or issued emergency orders changing their rules on remote meetings and email voting. This guidance may no longer apply. Check with your attorney before deciding what to do. It is fine for board…

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When does chair discuss and vote?

By Ann Macfarlane / February 13, 2019 / Comments Off on When does chair discuss and vote?
A tall, dark wooden chair with a high, tufted green leather backrest and seat, flanked by wooden columns—perfect for discussing and voting on important matters.

Confusion about the role of the chair at meetings can be widespread. Here are some parameters. Download PDF Chair of large meeting does not discuss and vote When a large assembly (group) is meeting, the chair serves as a facilitator. The chair does not take part in debate (discussion) and does not vote, unless the…

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Essential Guidelines for Small Casual Groups

By Ann Macfarlane / August 2, 2018 / Comments Off on Essential Guidelines for Small Casual Groups
A small casual group of people sits at a table during a meeting. Laptops, papers, and coffee cups are scattered about. Framed photos decorate the wall in the background.

Many small casual groups spend too much time in discussion. Seeking consensus, time can be wasted and little progress made.

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Duty of care is critical for nonprofit board directors

By Ann Macfarlane / March 13, 2018 / Comments Off on Duty of care is critical for nonprofit board directors
A file folder with a paper titled "DUTY of CARE" and a gavel placed beside it on a wooden surface emphasizes the importance of maintaining responsibility.

Guest post by Colette Collier Trohan.  Directors of nonprofit boards will find this outline of their duty of care an invaluable guide. Do you remember being a teenager and ignoring the potential consequences of your actions? Did anyone ever look at you and ask: “What were you thinking?!!!”  You weren’t expected to be a perfect child, but…

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