executive committee

What is the chain of command in your nonprofit organization?

By Ann Macfarlane / January 10, 2024 / Comments Off on What is the chain of command in your nonprofit organization?
A diagram showing a central figure labeled "leader" with arrows pointing to and from various small crosses, indicating interactions or connections.

A reader asks, “Where can I find the chain of command from the chairperson on down?”  Several thoughts come to mind. This article covers nonprofit organizations—governmental bodies are different. Take our online course for great nonprofit meetings A nonprofit organization is not like a profit corporation In a profit corporation, there is a boss who…

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Why bylaws?

By Ann Macfarlane / March 15, 2022 /
A hand holds a white card with "WHY?" written in blue marker. A blue marker lies on a wooden surface next to a container of colorful pens, as if pondering the complexities in bylaws in Robert's Rules of Order.

Guest article by Ted Weisgal Are bylaws the be-all and end-all of organizational development? If you create good ones will a flourishing organization be the natural outcome? Probably not. Good bylaws are critically important, but you should also have: A mission that resonates with people, Orderly meetings, Members who are reliable, Agendas that justify people’s…

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Executive committee cannot overturn board decision

By Ann Macfarlane / October 1, 2019 / Comments Off on Executive committee cannot overturn board decision
Close-up of a dictionary page showing the word "Overrule" in bold, with its definition provided by the executive committee.

A reader contacted us recently to ask whether the executive committee of his organization had the right to overturn a decision made by the full board. The answer is no, unless the bylaws give that right. Similarly, a board of directors may not overturn a decision made by the full membership. Robert’s Rules is very…

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