conflict of interest

Can married couples serve together on a nonprofit board?

By Ann Macfarlane / April 1, 2021 / Comments Off on Can married couples serve together on a nonprofit board?
Image of two intertwined gold wedding rings against a white background, symbolizing the unbreakable bond of a married couple.

A married couple, or other closely related persons, can serve together on a nonprofit board provided that no higher authority prevents it. However, you will want to think deeply before proceeding to do this. Here are some considerations to take into account. Does a higher authority prevent married couples from serving together? If you are…

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When and how do you pass the gavel?

By Ann Macfarlane / October 14, 2020 / Comments Off on When and how do you pass the gavel?
A person in a light blue shirt and dark tie holds a gavel in one hand, poised above a block on a white surface, ready to pass the gavel for the next decision.

The term “pass the gavel” refers to a situation where the chair of a meeting (the presider, the person running the meeting) temporarily gives up the position of chair (the authority to run the meeting) to allow another person to preside over the meeting. Download PDF Pass the gavel in a large meeting In a…

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Conflict of interest can be complicated

By Ann Macfarlane / February 14, 2020 / Comments Off on Conflict of interest can be complicated
A yellow road sign with icons of two cyclists and arrows pointing in opposite directions, indicating a two-way bike lane, helps avoid the conflict of interest between riders going different ways.

The basic principle underlying conflict of interest is easy to state but applying it in real-life cases can be complicated. In a nutshell, when you accept a position on a local government body or a nonprofit board, you are obliged to put the interests of the organization above your own personal interest, and you can’t…

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