
Chair brushes off my motions

By Ann Macfarlane / March 19, 2025 /
Cartoon of a business meeting with five men and a dinosaur around a table. A chart on the wall shows declining profits. One man raises his hand, asking questions about Robert's Rules. Caption reads, "If anyone can get us out of our rut, it’s Ole Dinosaur here.

Dear Dinosaur:   I am a school board trustee, and no members of my board have a firm grasp on parliamentary procedure, including our board president. I have done my best to follow parliamentary procedure in meetings, but it is difficult because the chair often brushes off my motions. For instance, during the last meeting, I…

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Do we have to accept anonymous comments at our HOA meetings?

By Ann Macfarlane / February 13, 2025 /
Cartoon of a business meeting with five men and a dinosaur around a table. A chart on the wall shows declining profits. One man raises his hand, asking questions about Robert's Rules. Caption reads, "If anyone can get us out of our rut, it’s Ole Dinosaur here.

Dear Dinosaur:  My homeowner’s association allows for public comments. However, we have members who want to make written comments and keep it anonymous. I don’t think this is right. You need to know who your members are, and they alone are allowed to participate in the proceedings. I don’t see how we could just allow…

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When does new president take office?

By Ann Macfarlane / January 9, 2025 / Comments Off on When does new president take office?
A group of businessmen in a meeting room, with one person replaced by a dinosaur. Caption reads: "If anyone can get us out of our rut, it’s Ole Dinosaur here. Any questions about Robert's Rules?" Chart showing declining profits in background.

Dear Dinosaur:  Our board of directors held its biennial election for new officers in December. Our next board meeting is scheduled for January 10. Our question is: When does a new president assume the responsibilities of the office, and how is that transition handled? As the current board president, do I turn over responsibilities to the new…

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Don’t recognize dilatory (time-wasting) motions

By Ann Macfarlane / November 13, 2024 / Comments Off on Don’t recognize dilatory (time-wasting) motions
A group of businessmen in a meeting room, with one person replaced by a dinosaur. Caption reads: "If anyone can get us out of our rut, it’s Ole Dinosaur here. Any questions about Robert's Rules?" Chart showing declining profits in background.

Dear Dinosaur:  A member of our board relentlessly wants the minutes for the January 2024 meeting to include the content of a conversation he had at that meeting. At every meeting, he makes a motion to do this. Our minutes provide the actions of the board but not direct quotes from people. How can we…

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Processing financial reports correctly

By Ann Macfarlane / October 30, 2024 / Comments Off on Processing financial reports correctly
Close-up of a typewriter with a piece of paper showing the text "Financial Report" being typed, reminiscent of reports in Robert's Rules.

There are three broad types of financial reports that a board of directors needs to process. Here is an explanation of how to handle them. DOWNLOAD PDF Expenditures requiring board approval before payment Some boards have the responsibility of approving payments before they are made. In this case, the list of checks, warrants, expenditures, etc.…

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Vote cast without a second – is this OK?

By Ann Macfarlane / October 11, 2024 / Comments Off on Vote cast without a second – is this OK?
Cartoon of a business meeting with five men and a dinosaur around a table. A chart on the wall shows declining profits. One man raises his hand, asking questions about Robert's Rules. Caption reads, "If anyone can get us out of our rut, it’s Ole Dinosaur here.

Dear Dinosaur:  In our committee meeting, someone made a motion, and before a second could be made, discussion began. Upon completion of the discussion, the meeting chair said, “There is a motion and a second, all in favor?”  The vote was cast without a second. Is this ok? Answer: If someone makes a motion and…

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Is your council puzzled by these 15 issues?

By Ann Macfarlane / September 19, 2024 / Comments Off on Is your council puzzled by these 15 issues?
Four faceless figures in business attire stand with arms crossed in front of a green background, their empty connected speech bubbles forming a large puzzle piece shape, as if the council is puzzled over a difficult decision.

Dear reader, A friend recently sent me this list of 15 issues that are puzzling for the council he staffs. Does your council struggle with any of these? Let us know by sending an email here! This will help us tailor our training to your real needs. Many of these issues are addressed in self-paced…

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Can councilmembers speak during public comment?

By Ann Macfarlane / August 14, 2024 / Comments Off on Can councilmembers speak during public comment?
A group of businessmen in a meeting room, with one person replaced by a dinosaur. Caption reads: "If anyone can get us out of our rut, it’s Ole Dinosaur here. Any questions about Robert's Rules?" Chart showing declining profits in background.

Dear Dinosaur:  Our council meeting took an interesting turn last week. The council comment period was over, and they were winding up public comments when two of our council members decided they had more to say. Are they allowed to speak during public comments? Should they recuse themselves from the meeting and then make their…

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HOA victory – the power of one person

By Ann Macfarlane / June 5, 2024 / Comments Off on HOA victory – the power of one person
Colorful exploding party popper

“On the honor system” In the May newsletter I wrote about a president who declined to provide financial information to his HOA board of directors. He used the phrase “on the honor system.” When my friend, a board director, insisted on seeing details before approving checks, the president and board resisted, finally voting her off…

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Councilmember badgers the staff

By Ann Macfarlane / May 8, 2024 / Comments Off on Councilmember badgers the staff
Cartoon of a business meeting with five men and a dinosaur around a table. A chart on the wall shows declining profits. One man raises his hand, asking questions about Robert's Rules. Caption reads, "If anyone can get us out of our rut, it’s Ole Dinosaur here.

Dear Dinosaur: One of our councilmembers puts question after question after question to the staff at meetings. Sometimes our meetings are five hours long! What can be done about this? Answer: This certainly can be a problem! We suggest that you discuss the matter with the council chair, mayor, and/or city manager, and see if…

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