
Becoming a parliamentarian step-by-step

By Ann Macfarlane / August 2, 2021 / Comments Off on Becoming a parliamentarian step-by-step
A judge's gavel resting on its sound block with the text "Becoming a Parliamentarian" on a green background.

Updated September 20, 2023 A reader wrote, saying that he had been running a summer camp for 23 years, and would like a change of occupation. What would it take to become a parliamentarian? I had to reply that becoming a parliamentarian is not an easy career path. Most parliamentarians I know either have another…

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Message from a Black Parliamentarian

By Ann Macfarlane / June 30, 2020 /
A person with short black hair, reminiscent of a poised black parliamentarian, is smiling while wearing a white top, dark jacket, gold necklace, and hoop earrings.

Guest post by Laura Rabb Morgan, a Black Professional Registered Parliamentarian. Thank you Laura for sharing this important message with us. Laura tells her story on video in our free webinar, “Better Meetings Advance Social Justice.” Dear Fellow Parliamentarians: As people around the world continue to come together to protest and demand an end to…

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