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Extra rules to add to Robert’s Rules

By Ann Macfarlane / February 3, 2023 / Comments Off on Extra rules to add to Robert’s Rules
Stack of newspapers with the headline "EXTRA!! EXTRA!!" on the top page. The newspaper, titled "News Today," delves into special rules of order in its latest issue.

Robert’s Rules of Order is a daunting subject for many folks who haven’t yet seen how much it improves meetings. We strive in Jurassic Parliament to distill key information that will help you run effective and fair meetings. Distillation is one thing, but ADDING RULES? When there are already hundreds of pages of rules in…

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4 bad habits to avoid at council meetings

By Ann Macfarlane / August 6, 2016 / Comments Off on 4 bad habits to avoid at council meetings
Five people in business attire are seated at a conference table with notebooks and microphones. An American flag is in the background.

There are a number of “urban myths” about Robert’s Rules of Order that can get in the way of democratic process for your council. If your municipality, county council, or special district avoids these bad habits, congratulations! If these errors happen at your meetings, however, you might want to bring them to the attention of your colleagues…

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