Robert’s Rules for School Board Directors
Live Zoom Workshop: Mastering Motions with Robert's Rules
Thursday, March 20 at 10 am Pacific time
If you need the information right away, take our self-paced online course here.
What we offer school board directors
Wow—these past few years have been tough on school boards, haven’t they? As you work to do your best for the kids, everyone with a variety of different opinions has awakened and has started showing up. Meetings have become understandably more emotional, and many attendees are experiencing formal meeting settings for the first time.
A full, vigorous conversation about the way forward for your school community, where everyone is heard is important—but chaos is not the answer.
We’re here to help.
Robert’s Rules of Order was written way back in 1876 to help bring order to chaos—so the environment found in many of today’s school board meetings is nothing new. In fact, it was so bad back in the 1800s that our friend, US Army officer Henry Martyn Robert came up with best practices to bring order to meetings so that stuff could actually get done.
But his book is hefty reference material—and pretty dry and boring. So here at Jurassic Parliament we have made it our mission to bring these important materials to life in a fun, interactive way.
Whether you’re new to serving on a school board or you have a long history of service, our materials on getting the most out of Robert’s Rules of Order will help you understand best practices such as:
- How to manage public comments in a dignified, ordered way so that everyone is heard
- Why the order of each meeting is important—and how to make sure everyone has the same understanding of meeting procedure
- How to respectfully interrupt, and more
After you have understood and put Robert’s Rules into practice at your school board meetings, you will find that your meetings—while they still may be heated—will accomplish more and be more inclusive than they may have been in the past—and the work for the community will move forward.
Three learning paths
Starter kit
Newly elected to your school board? Never served in public office before? We have the learning path for you!
- [BLOG] How can I start running better meetings with Robert’s Rules?
- [BLOG] Getting your board to buy in to Robert’s Rules
- [QUICK GUIDE] Follow four fundamental guidelines for successful meetings
- [COURSE] Quick Introduction to Robert’s Rules
- [CHEAT SHEET] Language Tips for Meeting Management
- [BOOK] Mastering Council Meetings: A Guidebook for Elected Officials and Local Governments
Intermediate path
You're not new to public service, but you could benefit from some refreshers and maybe some new tricks for your toolkit!
- [COURSE] Great School Board Meetings
- [BLOG] Rights and responsibilities of the member
- [BLOG] Four bad habits to avoid at council meetings
- [QUICK GUIDE] What are the 11 duties of the chair?
- [QUICK GUIDE] Essential Guidelines
- [QUICK GUIDE] 50 Guidelines for Public Comment
Advanced path
You’ve got Robert’s Rules working pretty well, but you’re finding that the outcomes of your meetings are still suboptimal. We suggest the following learning path to get you well on your way to expert status when it comes to getting the most out of your school board meetings.
- [COURSE] Mastering Motions with Robert's Rules
- [BLOG] The 12 stupidest meeting mistakes
- [BLOG] When public pressure is intense
- [QUICK GUIDE] Lost the vote? Don’t sabotage the council’s action
- [COURSE] Difficult Board Chair or Member
- [COURSE] Take Control of Your Meetings Using Robert’s Rules
Hi. I’m Ann Macfarlane.
I know the frustration of ineffective school board meetings. I can help you change your next meeting:
Master parliamentary procedures
Stop bullies who just want to argue
Get your voice heard
Solicit cooperation from other elected colleagues
I’ve worked as a diplomat for the U.S. Government. Through my work as a translator, I’ve helped hundreds of people communicate effectively across cultures.
Sixteen years of experience working with electoral bodies means I have answered 100s of actual on-the-job questions about Robert’s Rules. I can help you, too. I work with school boards, professional associations, unions, and anyone who wants better meetings.
I’m a Professional Registered Parliamentarian and I know how effective school boards work.
In fact, together with my partner, Andrew Estep, we wrote the book for local government: Mastering Council Meetings. There’s nothing like our book. Click here to purchase on Amazon.
Ann Macfarlane is a trusted trainer for these organizations:

Anchorage School District

Battle Creek Public Schools

Family Partnership Charter School

Michigan School Boards Association

Oregon School Boards Association

Salt Lake City School District

Utah School Boards Association

Woodland Public Schools
What a terrific day of training that was for our members! People were thrilled and surprised at how much they had learned! This morning everyone is still abuzz about the training. They are sharing at their tables what they learned and they are all speaking about how you gave them words to use.
Lon Garrison and Timi Tullis, Association of Alaska School Boards
I have been using the tips you taught at the workshop and have a board chair and vice chair who are eager to hear – and implement – what I learned. Your training is the best I have had in my nearly 18 years in this job. Thank you!
Julie Catala, former Executive Assistant, Corvallis OR School Board
What an amazingly fun way to learn what can be a dry and difficult subject! I thoroughly enjoyed learning more about boardroom procedures this way. I’m even inspired to try and read through “Robert’s Rules of Order” now!
Participant, Oregon School Boards Association workshop
Would you like greater clarity about the role of the board president?
Former Board President John Burton and Superintendent Sam Jarman of the Alpine School District, Utah, have written a powerful article that includes 5 promises a school board director should never make.