Dear Dinosaur Advice Column

Got a question about Robert's Rules of Order?
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Ann Macfarlane is a dinosaur who knows her stuff.


Mischievous troublemaker vs. pedantic stickler

Dear Dinosaur: At our church council meetings, the chair calls for the vote by saying, “All those in favor, please raise your right hand.” One of our members raises his left hand, upon which the chair refuses to count his vote. Is this correct? Answer: It seems as if your chair is a pedantic stickler…


Can committees take official votes? Is a “straw poll” allowed?

Dear Dinosaur: A secretary forwarded a board member’s question: “I have always been told that we could not take an official vote in committee. Can you find anything about this?” This came up in a governance committee where members were “voting” to move a policy change to the whole board for vote. Is this straw…


If motion not to allow lemonade stand fails, is lemonade stand allowed?

Dear Dinosaur: A motion is made and seconded to not to allow Sally Sue to operate a lemonade stand at 123 Main St. Upon vote majority vote Nay… is the lemonade stand now allowed? Answer: No, no action has been taken with regard to the lemonade stand. The fact that this motion was defeated says…