Dear Dinosaur Advice Column

Got a question about Robert's Rules of Order?
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If you don't find what you need, write to Dear Dinosaur.
Ann Macfarlane is a dinosaur who knows her stuff.


When asked to vote, director does nothing

Dear Dinosaur:  When calling for the vote with our 3-person county board, two directors vote “aye” and the third director does not vote. The director doesn’t vote aye, nay or with an abstention when asked. Just simply, no action. How is that vote then recorded? Answer: Under Robert’s Rules of Order, “to abstain” is to…


Was this proper use of “Point of Information”?

Dear Dinosaur: A board member at a condo association meeting made a motion.  The motion did not receive a second.  The board member then said, “Point of Information,” and continued to state his opinion of why the motion was important.  Was this the proper use of “Point of Information?  If so, what is the use of…


Can director take back his vote?

Dear Dinosaur: Our board voted to eject a member from our social club. The next week, one of the directors changed his mind and said he wanted to take back his vote. Can he do this? Answer: No, once a vote has been taken, the chair has announced the result, and the board has gone…