Dear Dinosaur Advice Column

Got a question about Robert's Rules of Order?
First, search our site. We have hundreds of blog entries with quick-and-easy answers.
If you don't find what you need, write to Dear Dinosaur.
Ann Macfarlane is a dinosaur who knows her stuff.


Can member explain vote against consent agenda?

Dear Dinosaur:  During our consent agenda vote, we have a board member who often votes nay. After their vote, they always feel the need to interrupt our process to give an explanation as to why they voted against the agenda Item. My question is, does a board member have a right to explain their vote…


Citizen attacks fellow citizen, swears – what can be done?

Dear Dinosaur:  During public comment at a virtual meeting, one citizen was making blasphemous comments about another citizen in attendance, was escalating in emotion, and calling him names and added a few cuss words.  Then he pulls out pictures and past memos, etc.  I’m clear about allowing the citizen his freedom of speech.  He can…


Hostages of her ranting

Dear Dinosaur: One board member was dissatisfied with the way the bylaws amendment process was handled. At the membership meeting, she proceeded to monopolize the meeting and refused to stop having the conversation. So we were all hostages of her ranting. Is there anything to do? Answer: At a meeting, a member of an organization has…