Dear Dinosaur Advice Column

Got a question about Robert's Rules of Order?
First, search our site. We have hundreds of blog entries with quick-and-easy answers.
If you don't find what you need, write to Dear Dinosaur.
Ann Macfarlane is a dinosaur who knows her stuff.


Councilmember badgers the staff

Dear Dinosaur: One of our councilmembers puts question after question after question to the staff at meetings. Sometimes our meetings are five hours long! What can be done about this? Answer: This certainly can be a problem! We suggest that you discuss the matter with the council chair, mayor, and/or city manager, and see if…


What if a colleague says something outrageous and insulting?

Dear Dinosaur:  At a recent citizen advisory committee meeting, a colleague made hateful statements about a minority group as a whole. This was in response to diversity training we had received. I was shocked and didn’t know what to do. Answer: It is indeed shocking when someone makes outrageous statements attacking a category of people….


Do I need an attorney to find out about state law for my organization?

Dear Dinosaur:  How can I find out about state laws pertaining to my organization? Do I have to hire an attorney? Answer: You can learn about your state’s laws pertaining to your type of organization on your own. You do not have to have a law degree to read the law and understand its plain…