Robert's Rules cheat sheets

Cheat sheet titled "WAIT! WAIT! WHAT SHOULD I SAY?" from Jurassic Parliament with sections on big mistakes and inappropriate remarks during meetings. Contains guidelines for various scenarios.

Wait! Wait! What should I say?

This laminated cheat sheet gives you language for difficult situations and challenging people. It also includes a chart of the precedence of motions.

A document titled "Sus 11 deberes cuando presida una reunión" featuring 11 bullet points that list duties when chairing a meeting. It includes a logo at the top and a blue-orange cartoon dinosaur logo at the bottom. Discover valuable insights with these free resources to enhance your meetings.

What are the 11 duties of the chair?

This explains exactly what Robert's Rules of Order describes as the duties of the leader of the meeting. Know what your role is on your board or council.