Who we help

A brick archway frames a black lantern and a sign that reads "City Hall" above a white doorway, where the city's guidelines are upheld with the precision of Robert's Rules.


Elected officials are critical to the functioning and success of their communities. We offer resources, training, and help with Robert's Rules so you can hold effective public meetings while minimizing drama.

A binder labeled "Minutes" sits on a desk next to an open notebook with handwritten notes, a pen, and a calculator, ready to guide you through the meeting with Roberts-Rules-help.


Your job as clerk or secretary is extremely important—and sometimes underappreciated. We provide training and guidance to empower you. Arm yourself with the knowledge of Robert's Rules and the skills you need to succeed.

An open notebook with red and black pencils lies on a wooden table. Three green apples are stacked beside the notebook, reminiscent of Robert's Rules for orderly conduct. A blackboard with the word "EDUCATION" written in chalk is in the background.


This is a tough time for school boards. Our materials will  help you get the most out of Robert's Rules to hold inclusive and effective meetings to serve your school community.

A road with the word "VISION" and an arrow pointing forward is surrounded by trees, leading to a bright, sunlit horizon, reminiscent of a journey guided by Robert's Rules.


Nonprofit board members are committed to guiding their organization to a brighter future. We can help you make your vision a reality through effective board meetings that make a difference to your community. Surprisingly, Robert's Rules of Order will help!