Customized Robert's Rules Training

Fun and interactive hybrid training will empower your local government body!

An older woman with glasses and short gray hair, wearing a red shirt, is speaking in a video displayed on a flat screen TV. A bookshelf and a framed picture are in the background, as she conducts Robert's Rules training.

Jurassic Parliament is delighted to offer a new model for training in Robert’s Rules. You will gather your community together in one room, and Ann Macfarlane will present the material via Zoom. Attendees will learn through doing, reading scripts, making motions, holding table discussions, and putting their questions to Ann.

You will need a suitable space, so everyone can see and hear Ann on the screen, and Ann can hear the questions. Attendees may also participate remotely. This is a great way to build community and have fun, while training everyone in Robert’s Rules to better serve your community.

Ann will customize the training for your needs. You choose the length and topics, which may include:

  • The correct authority of mayor/chair, members, and staff
  • Holding efficient, inclusive, and fair meeting discussion
  • Making and amending motions
  • Dealing with disorder or difficult people
  • The right way to control the meeting
  • Common citizen advisory pitfalls
  • Managing public comment

This service is offered for local government bodies. It is based on Ann's many years of training and advising city and county councils, school boards, utility boards, ports, and special purpose districts. Contact Ann today!


"Ann has singlehandedly elevated the level of civic discussion in our area."  Matt Larson, former Mayor, City of Snoqualmie, Washington

"The cities of Ilwaco and Long Beach decided to try the videoconference group training that Ann Macfarlane provides.  We had a group of 15 and had a good time following her instructive scripts and learning more about Robert’s Rules of Order.  I highly recommend Ann and all of her programs!"      David Glasson, City Administrator, Long Beach, Washington